A brief introduction

Hello and welcome to my blog!

My name is Ana Maria Camargo and I was born and raised in the warm city of Barranquilla, Colombia. At an early age, I demonstrated a great interest in other cultures, languages, and world history. Upon finishing my undergraduate studies in my hometown, I decided to volunteer and work overseas with the solid intention to gain personal and professional ground to my career.

From the heart of Europe to the Anatolian peninsula passing through the pharaonic lands, I experienced first hand social and political crises that helped me to deconstruct stereotyped conceptions that the Western Media had incorporated into our contemporary society.

In this blog, I offer some discussions and thoughts about relevant topics in Environmental Politics and International Affairs. Posts will be monthly and feel free to join or engage any further discussion.

Thank you!

All the best,

Ana Maria

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
